
FLUU #05.04.2022h3.29am

Digital snapshot of the random effect algorithm Fluu was created directly from my mac, starting from some strokes drawn by me, the program elaborates some random transformations. This is why each transformation will be unique and unrepeatable.

Istantanea digitale dell’algoritmo effetto random Fluu è stato creato direttamente dal mio mac, partendo da alcuni tratti disegnati da me, il programma elabora delle trasformazioni casuali. Per questo ogni trasformazione sarà unica e irripetibile.


dimension h.70 x 50 x 2 cm
works in a limited series 5 pezzi
With certificate of authenticity.

unique work

number of copies available

dimension h.70 x 50 x 4 cm

Signed work, with certificate of authenticity.

Unique work

Artist: Patrizia Chiodini
Year: 2020

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