
Miss. Algorithm #Every_curl_a_whim


We surf conditioned by persuasive proposals because they are inside our computers, mobile phones exist the Algorithm Family, Ladies and gentlemen, not too old with a terrific memory, that have their own life and grow with our clicks.

Each of them remembers where we would like to go on vacation, which stylist we prefer or how we would like to feed ourselves, they know a lot about us.

Of course it is useful to have someone who remembers our passwords and our appointments, but unfortunately Mr./Miss Algorithm are paid to tell our tastes and often do their job perfectly.

I enjoyed creating portraits a lot, each linked to the algorithm of a #hashtag.

This is the portrait of Miss ALGORITHM #every_curl_a_whim #ogni_riccio_un_capriccio.

works in a limited series

number of copies available

limited series prints edition 30 / image

dimension 50 x 70 cm

high resolution photo paper

works signed and with certificate of authenticity

Year 2021

Artist: Patrizia Chiodini



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